国产第一页屁屁影院_国产精品高清在线免费观看_日韩第一社区 一区二区_色视频综合无码一区二区三区



來源: 作者: 發(fā)布日期:2018-01-25 訪問次數(shù):4352




The Cylinder Filling Unit consists of a high pressure cylinder filling pump with a capacity of 600 kg/hr connected to the CO2 storage tank in a by-pass system. The filling of CO2 cylinder is done on an electronic scale, which automatically stop the filling at a preset quantity. When the filling of cylinder stops, the CO2 is circulated back to the CO2 storage tank.

For easy operation the cylinder is connected to the filling system with a quick coupling. The correct filling amount of CO2 is adjusted on the scale.

The scale is supplied with an electronic weighing control system, with various facilities, such as automatic zero control, auto-tare for registering known tare, output for printer or computer with indication of e.g. hour, item no., customer no., and dispatch no. The scale graduation is 20 g.



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